Trinity Lutheran Church McAlester

Bible Studies

Sunday Morning Bible Class

Join us at 9:15 every Sunday morning before church in a bible study lead by Pastor Meyer.

Topic: Daniel

Man Card Bible Study

Come enjoy a men’s bible study on the second Saturday of every month at 8:30am. Breakfast is included and there is typically a mini tournament at Eagle Hill Disk Golf Course afterwards for anyone interested.

Topic: Study of Noah, the flood and God


Clayton Bible Study

Starts September 15th and meets the first and third Tuesdays at 2pm at Annette Ezell’s Home.

Topic: How to Read the bible


Deep Dive Call Group

Meets at church on the first and third Thursday of the month at 1pm.

Topic: TBD at first session on 9/17/2020


Bible Study Contact Information

If you would like additional information on joining any of these bible studies feel free to contact the church at 918-426-4544 or by filling out the form below.